Why You Should Add Vitamin C to Your Skincare Routine

Vitamin C isn’t just for warding off colds. It’s steadily made its mark as one of the most potent ingredients in the skincare realm. As residents of Mississauga encounter varying environmental elements, the skin requires robust defense. Here, we demystify Vitamin C’s profound impact and how integrating it with other treatments at CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness can significantly boost its efficacy.

1. Unrivaled Antioxidant Protection Exposure to pollutants and UV rays triggers the production of free radicals, notorious for accelerating skin aging. Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, neutralizes these radicals, defending the skin against premature aging and damage.

2. Brightens the Complexion A radiant complexion isn’t just about lightning. Vitamin C interrupts the pathway of abnormal pigmentation, reducing the appearance of dark spots and promoting an even skin tone. Couple this with Laser Skin Rejuvenation at CanStrive, and you’ve got a comprehensive solution to dullness and discoloration.

3. Boosts Collagen Production Collagen keeps our skin firm and youthful. Vitamin C is pivotal in stabilizing and creating collagen molecules, thereby improving skin structure and reducing the visibility of fine lines. For enhanced results, consider augmenting Vitamin C use with Dermal Fillers to target deeper wrinkles and volume loss.

4. Enhances Skin Repair Skin repair is an ongoing process. Vitamin C accelerates the skin’s natural repair system and prevents further damage, making it a must-have for anyone serious about skincare.

5. Hydration and Moisture Retention Some Vitamin C serums are crafted with magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, known to hydrate the skin. It reduces transepidermal water loss, allowing your skin to retain moisture better. For a hydration boost, the Hydrafacial treatment is an exceptional addition.

6. Reduces Redness and Inflammation Whether due to inflammation or environmental aggressors, skin redness can be distressing. Vitamin C soothes the skin, reducing redness and promoting a more balanced complexion.

7. Improves Efficacy of Sunscreens While Vitamin C doesn’t replace your sunscreen, it certainly enhances its effectiveness. Its antioxidant properties act as a shield, complementing the physical barrier of your sunscreen, offering dual protection.

8. Partners Well with Other Treatments While Vitamin C holds its ground as a powerful skincare ingredient, its benefits are amplified when used in conjunction with other treatments. For instance, after a Peel at CanStrive, using Vitamin C can drastically improve skin absorption and healing.

9. Suitable for Most Skin Types One of Vitamin C’s strong suits is its adaptability. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, Vitamin C serums can be effortlessly integrated into your skincare regimen.

However, as with all potent ingredients, it’s vital to gradually introduce Vitamin C to your routine, monitoring how your skin reacts. Consulting skincare professionals, like those at CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness, ensure you’re using the right concentration for your skin type.

Invest in Radiant Skin with CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness

As you consider integrating Vitamin C into your skincare routine, remember that its benefits are manifold. CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness in Mississauga offers a range of treatments that perfectly complement the use of Vitamin C. Ready to experience transformative skin health? Call us today at (905) 569-3555, and let’s craft a skincare regimen that aligns with your aspirations.


  1. The Role of Vitamin C in Skin Care“, NCBI, 2017.
  2. Benefits of Vitamin C in Skincare“, Healthline, 2020.
  3. How Vitamin C Can Improve Your Skin Texture“, Elle, 2019.