Say Goodbye to Spider Veins with Laser Vein Treatment

Welcome to CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness Clinic, where we harness the latest medical spa technologies to enhance your natural beauty. Nestled in the heart of Mississauga, ON, we specialize in various advanced treatments, including the increasingly popular laser vein treatment. This groundbreaking procedure promises to diminish the appearance of unsightly spider veins, restoring the clarity and beauty of your skin.

Understanding Spider Veins

Spider veins, medically known as telangiectasias, are small, dilated blood vessels that appear close to the skin’s surface. While they are primarily a cosmetic concern, they can sometimes cause discomfort. Genetics, age, hormonal changes, and prolonged standing can contribute to their development.

The Laser Vein Treatment Process

Laser vein treatment at CanStrive employs cutting-edge technology to target and diminish spider veins. This non-invasive procedure uses focused laser energy to heat and collapse the unwanted veins, which are then naturally absorbed by the body. The result? Clearer, more uniform skin without the need for surgery.

Why Choose Laser Vein Treatment?

  1. Non-Invasive with Minimal Discomfort: Unlike surgical options, laser vein treatment is non-invasive and generally involves minimal discomfort. Most clients describe the sensation as a small snap against the skin.
  2. Quick and Convenient Sessions: Sessions typically last between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area’s size. It’s a perfect lunchtime procedure, allowing you to return to your daily activities with no downtime.
  3. Effective and Long-Lasting Results: Many clients observe significant improvement after just one session, with veins continuing to fade in the following weeks.

Complementing Treatments for Optimal Results

At CanStrive, we believe in a comprehensive approach to skincare. While laser vein treatment is effective on its own, combining it with other treatments can enhance your overall results:

  • Laser Skin Rejuvenation: Ideal for addressing overall skin tone and texture, this treatment complements laser vein therapy by enhancing skin quality.
  • Hydrafacial: Following vein treatment with a Hydrafacial can hydrate the skin and help maintain its radiant glow.
  • Peels: Chemical peels can further improve skin texture and tone, giving your skin a rejuvenated appearance.

Post-Treatment Care and Considerations

Post-treatment care is vital for the best results. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen to protect the treated areas. Additionally, wearing compression stockings might be advised to optimize healing, especially if larger veins were targeted.

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

If you’re in Mississauga, ON, and struggling with spider veins, CanStrive MedSpa & Wellness Clinic offers a solution. Our expert team is ready to guide you through the process, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction. Say goodbye to spider veins and hello to beautiful, clear skin.

Contact us at 905-569-3555 to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards revitalized skin.


  1. American Academy of Dermatology – Comprehensive information on spider veins and laser treatments.
  2. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology – Studies on the effectiveness of laser treatments for spider veins.
  3. Skin Cancer Foundation – Guidelines on post-treatment skin care, especially regarding sun protection.